Fluggz is a tool for companies that produce custom-made gaskets. Fluggz automates all steps that are not directly adding value.

Do you make money on a € 100 order?

... with Fluggz you do!

80/20 rule: lots of work for little money

In most industries, the 80/20 rule applies when it comes to the ratio between work and turnover:

"80% of orders produce only 20% of turnover"

In the sealing industry, the 80/20 rule translates into a large number of smaller orders of only a few hundred euros. And those are often time-consuming custom orders.

Fixed steps have to be followed for each order. Whether the order is large or small. This often leads to so much time being spent by the entire organisation that these smaller orders actually lose the company money.

Typical turnover distribution in custom gaskets


What is Fluggz?

Fluggz is a software tool that you can use online to automate completely or partly 23 out of 24 steps in the ordering and production process, like:


The customer specifies himself, online and with ease, his own product, using a configurator and a clear material database.


Coordinating on unclear specifications is a thing of the past, as the product will be configured right at once.


Fluggz calculates completely automatically on the basis of parameters set by the manufacturer. The customer sees his price in realtime and the manufacturer does not need to calculate.

Send Quotation

Writing, saving and sending quotations is not necessary anymore. Fluggz saves you the burden of administration regarding quotations.

Drawing Product

The customer creates a drawing online with convenient basic shapes, that is made available to the manufacturer as DXF.

More complex products can be uploaded as DXF and will be analysed and quoted by Fluggz in realtime.

Invoicing & Payment

The Fluggz system automates the invoicing and also offers online payment services, like credit cards.

Why Fluggz?

Fluggz automates the steps, that do not add value to the product, but are necessary. What difference would it make if you didn't have to do these steps anymore?


Save 140 minutes on each order

Fluggz cuts out 23 steps from the sales process, saving over 2 hours on each order


Generate free quotations

Fluggz automates calculation, including for quotations that do not become orders


Eliminate human errors

Fluggz minimises the risk of errors, as all processes are aligned


No specialist knowledge necessary

Fluggz reduces dependency on expertise from scarce employees.


Customer friendly

Fluggz is the easiest ordering process for the end client: "convenience is the new loyalty"


Small orders profitable

Fluggz makes smaller orders (the 80% from the 80/20 rule) profitable

Customer Experience

We aspire a customer experience for the final customer that requires the least possible effort, as we firmly believe that in the digital world of today, convenience largely determines whether the customer stays loyal or not.
The customer goes through the next 3 steps using Fluggz:

Step 1. Pick material

Fluggz offers a material database with over 3000 materials. As manufacturer, you decide which of these materials you want to offer.

Step 2. Draw gasket

The customer can pick a basic shape and configure it, or upload a DXF drawing. As manufacturer, you will be provided with a DXF drawing, that you can use directly in your production.

Step 3. Order

Fluggz calculates for you. You customer gets to see the price of the gaskets directly and can order these from you. Like that, your customer and yourself are saving a lot of time!

How does Fluggz work?

Fluggz is not a marketplace or platform, but a software tool for manufacturers. Fluggz can be completely configured by the manufacturer, making it invisible for the customer that Fluggz is the engine behind the tool.

Your Style

As manufacturer you can choose from 9 different color profiles for your Fluggz Webshop, ensuring that the looks of the shop match your existing corporate identity. Your customer believes it's your shop and credits you for his excellent customer experience.

Also, you can add to your shop your own company profile, contact data and general terms.

Your materials

To make your work easy, Fluggz offers a very extensive database with several thousands of materials, that you only need to select with a check in the box. Are you missing a material or thickness? We will add it directly.

We also can add your private label materials, that will be available only to you.

Your calculation

Fluggz does not decide how you calculate. That is completely up to you.

However, Fluggz offers you the tools to determine your price level exactly as you like it. For example through hourly rates, material prices and margins, but also startup costs and shipping costs. Even, if you wish, dynamically: for bigger orders a lower margin.

Get to know Fluggz

Would you like to know more about the possibilities of Fluggz? Or would you like to experience a live demo?
Let's set a meeting!

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